Congratulations Rhiannon! Rhi's mom, Charly, is my very dear Australian friend and we are all so proud of Rhi's recent award! Read this directly quoted from Charly's blog
Charly Leetham
I am very big on encouraging my children to have online businesses. Today, I received the best news ever!
My 12 year old Daughter, Rhiannon, has been selected as one of two Under 16 year old entrepreneurs to be featured in a book written by Business Writer Peter Economy.
Rhiannon receives this honour through a competition run by Jenny Ford from Cash Smart Kids and will be featured in Peter’s 2008 Charity Book Project. The Charity Book Project was developed by Peter Economy as a way to use his passion - writing - to give something back, and hopefully to make the world a better place.
His plan? To write a book each year, with a co-author, and donate the proceeds to charity. In the first year, 2008, he has chosen to work with Jenny Ford and write a book to empower parents to teach their kids the money and business skills they need to be self-sufficient in the modern economy.
Jenny devised a competition where the kids had to develop a 2 minute YouTube Video or write a Hubpage about their business. Two winners would be chosen.
Rhiannon will be profiled alongside big names like Ben Casnocha, who started a software business at 13, and was CEO of a Silicon Valley start-up by seventeen.
Jenny’s announcement was made on her blog today - Raising Entrepreneurs.
Rhiannons website helps people Learn To Be Psychic and the blog helps her share experiences and lessons she is learning.