We had a real wake up experience Thursday night. The television and the internet went out. Totally. Now we have had this happen before, but this outage lasted way past bedtime.
I really got a kick out of watching the two of us adjust to the change in our normal routine. First I made a list -- what can I accomplish without the internet?
We sorted hubby's golf balls, went through a stack of papers on the kitchen table, laughed at our misery and addiction to electronics and went to bed very early!
It was really such a strange feeling. I do not think I watch much television, but I do use it for background noise, I guess. We listened to the radio Thursday night!
When I woke up the next morning, I flipped the tv on first thing-- I never do that! But I had to know if we were reconnected to the world. With relief, I realized we were alive again.
I continue to ponder this event. What a shock! I had no idea I was so addicted! I was surprised at how quickly my "head noise" and "self talk" cleared. I think I will have more tv and internet vacations in the future! While it is nice to be connected to the world 24/7, it is also very nice to take a break and just be!
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