Moon and Moo Invite You!
Every Tuesday night on Blog Radio, something a little bit magical happens! Joan Adams (joan4) and Kate Loving Shenk (mukunda22) host the Moon, Moo and You show at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The show is very casual and always fun and informative - and sometimes very deep and extremely wise. Past guests have included Todd Silva, the Secret Dollar Man
Trapper Sherwood and Claus Jensen: The Sleep Secret
Velma Gallant: The Queen of Joy
Pat O'Bryan: Your Portable Empire
Pat Hicks: The Indigenous Tree Guy
Amanda Goldston - Angels
Captain Rob - The Pirate Lifestyle
Laura Whitelaw and Liz Lichti: The Way to Bliss Now
The call-in number 347-205-9200. Press 1 on your dialpad to let Kate know you are waiting to talk!
(Turn down the volume on your computer when you are on the air with us. There is a little lag time between the computer and being "live" on the call.)
Just want to listen? Click on the link above and listen!
Want to chat with other listeners during the show? Click on "chat now" and you will be in the brand new chat room! Introduce yourself!
Check out Joan and Kate's main Web Page at Blog Talk Radio!
Download and listen to any of the archived shows on itunes or on
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