When was the last time you had a celebration or ceremony just for yourself? I have some ideas for you at this Squidoo lens - How to Create a Celebration for Yourself
What is your most recent accomplishment? Did you lose 5 pounds since Christmas? Create a ceremony to celebrate the event. It will help you to remember that you did it once, and you can do it again. What if you made yourself a certificate of accomplishment with a big gold star on it? You can do that on your computer. Hang it on your wall where you will see it often, and as you hang it, proclaim out loud, "Joan, I am so proud of you! You did it! Thank you for not eating that cake last Saturday, and walking every day, too! You are a true champion!" Or something like that! Reward yourself with tons of praise! And have some fun with it!
Now what will you celebrate next week?