All this talk about laughter reminded me of our friend, Joann -- and yes, she will laugh when she sees this blog! A few years ago she sold her lovely home on the coast of SC and bought herself an RV! She travels the country visiting her children and grandchildren! And having fun! At this moment, she is somewhere in Texas, I think, with a group of single RV'ers having the time of her life. Everywhere she goes, she makes friends. She laughs easily and often.
I tell her all the time how courageous she is--A single lady, about my age, with a bumper sticker that reads "Homeless Granny on the Run!" She sold practically every material thing that she had, and is simply enjoying herself, her RV, her kids, her grandkids, and her friends.
Joann came to town for our daughter's wedding last August. I walked into the Hospitality Room at the hotel to find Joann steaming tablecloths! She had already met my sisters and become a part of the festivities! All weekend, she was right there, helping my sisters in the hospitality room, visiting with other guests--we even took a crazy ride in my car to find sparklers! She simply "goes with the flow" and enjoys every minute! What a gift!
We do learn from each of our relationships and Joann has taught me so much! But tonight I am thankful for her courage -- she jumped into that RV and took off, and is making a happy and interesting life for herself. I am starting a new career writing on line -- and tonight -- well, tonight, I just need to focus on Joann's courage! She went after her dreams full steam ahead -- and I am sure she is improving life for everyone that she meets along the way!
Thank you, Joann! I treasure your friendship!
You are right Joan, she is a true inspiration, and their is a lot to learn from her. I cannot even find the courage to sell my little house and move to another HOUSE, much less and RV. I am grateful for the chance to have meet her, and I hope to see her again in this lifetime of mine. Please tell her if she is ever up this way, please call me.