I was talking with a friend last night about a problem in her life. We developed an action plan that I think might be helpful to you. These are simple ideas that have helped me in the past. When you are "frozen", stymied, stuck with a problem, you simply want a way out. Certainly it is better to take an active stance than to sit and muddle over your problem over and over. Again, I remind you to take any of these ideas and adjust them to your belief system. I can only write what I know about, for sure.
Action Plan:
1. Write a letter to your angels. If you are worried/concerned about a particular loved one, write a letter to their angel. Simply start your letter "Dear Susie's angel" or "Dear Jacob's angel". Then pour out your heart. State the situation, your feelings about it, and ask for angelic help. When your letter is ready, put it in a special place -- in the back of your Bible, on your prayer alter, under a small angel figurine. Simply stating your problem, and placing it in the hands of the angelic hosts will relieve you.
2. Get on a prayer list. There are many of those on line. I use www.silentunity.org . Those folks are wonderful and will hold your concern in their prayers for 30 days. Get yourself some prayer partners!
3. Make an imaging page. At the risk of repeating this too many times in one blog, this is the most effective prayer technique I have ever used. See details in earlier blogs. Grab some old magazines, and sit down and cut and paste like a child for a couple of hours. Put the page where you will see it daily. My pages are in back of my prayer journal. I use them as prayer guides.
4. Find a suitable affirmation and repeat it at least 20 times a day -- when your concern pops up in your mind. Give your problem a positive affirmation. It will relieve your mind to do so. An affirmation is just a positive prayer. For example, if a loved one is suffering an illness, you can repeat, "Susie, you are whole, well and free". In other words, you are knowing and believing in your heart of faith that Susie is healthy and you are picturing her healthy in your prayers. For more about affirmations, simple google that word. There are thousands of affirmations on line. I am sure you can find one to fit your problem.
5. Let it go. You now have an action plan. You are doing everything you can. Let go and let God. How many times have you heard that? Well, this is the time to do it. And do let me know how this works out for you. You, my readers, are in my prayers daily. Peace.
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