I am writing my first e-books. What a learning experience! Every time I think I have the first one ready, I find out I must learn something new. When I started, I read an uplifting article that said you could walk across the USA in the dark with just a flashlight -- going a few steps at a time. So I mentally grabbed a flashlight and told myself that I would take this project one step at a time. Each day I try to move forward with things I know to do. Sometimes I seem to receive Divine Inspiration on what to write. Sometimes I receive an e-mail or a phone call that gives me the next step. On other days, I will receive encouragement to continue. And somehow it is happening. Most of the time I feel really in the dark about what I am doing, and yet........my little flashlight keeps leading the way. I am learning. I am growing. It is an adventure! My first free e-book should be available within a week or two. You will also be noticing some changes in this blog -- we may even change location. So be aware!
and if you have an "impossible" task ahead of you, I'll be glad to share my flashlight!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
It has been a wonderful restful day. I have never understood why the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday for the media. For me, it is a day of rest and reflection, a time to think, read, make new lists, and prepare for the upcoming holidays - on paper. I have no desire to shop today -- not even on line. That chore can be done later. Today feels like a "snow day". The world is in slow motion and all is well. The refrigerator is filled with leftovers. There is more than enough for dinner. I am thankful.
Tomorrow is soon enough to start decorating for Christmas. I choose to relish this day and its quiet as a day of completion and thanksgiving that Thanksgiving Day was such a joy! And again, I am thankful.
Tomorrow is soon enough to start decorating for Christmas. I choose to relish this day and its quiet as a day of completion and thanksgiving that Thanksgiving Day was such a joy! And again, I am thankful.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A Delightfully Magic Afternoon
Saturday afternoon, the grands came to visit. Jessica is 5 years old and Zachary is 4 years old. They were immediately attracted to our front yard which is filled with bright yellow leaves. Jessica made leaf bouquets, and Zach set about making leaf piles. Within a few minutes, both of them were running and jumping into the pile of leaves. Grandpa (Poppy) soon joined them and within minutes, he was lying face down on the ground and the children were covering him with leaves. Then they all took turns covering each other and jumping out of the leaves like a jack-in-the-box! I saw little Jessica press a leaf against her cheek in absolute love and appreciation. What a beautiful sight! A picture of fall blessings! I watched and grinned from the front porch. Is there anything more joyous than happy children playing with nature's gifts? Children seem to know instinctively how to play in nature's bounty. Leaves, snow, beach sand -- all provided, it seems, for children's play. The activity is the same, whatever the season -- pile it up, pick it up, roll in it, make a hill, jump on it --I can imagine children around the world play exactly the same way, don't you think?
I am thankful to live in a part of the world that allows all four seasons -- and especially thankful for the joy and laughter of children. Have you noticed the awesome colors of the leaves this year?
Have a gloriously happy Thanksgiving Day and remember the Thanksgiving blessing that is posted here--just in case you need it. and as always, I am so thankful for you all!
I am thankful to live in a part of the world that allows all four seasons -- and especially thankful for the joy and laughter of children. Have you noticed the awesome colors of the leaves this year?
Have a gloriously happy Thanksgiving Day and remember the Thanksgiving blessing that is posted here--just in case you need it. and as always, I am so thankful for you all!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thanksgiving Blessing
Our first Thanksgiving after our brother's death in 1988, my sister gave this blessing to us. We have all treasured it since and would like to share with you now. Nancy found it in an old Ideals magazine that mom had kept. I hope it will mean as much to you as it does to us.
Grace for Thanksgiving Day
Alice Kennelly Roberts
Dear God, wherever we may be
On this Thanksgiving Day
Gathered with loved ones in our homes
Or many miles away--
We bow our heads, remembering those
Who shared Thanksgiving past
Those who have walked with us awhile
Whose love will always last.
We thank Thee for the joy of friends,
The food before us set
And for a tiny Pilgrim band
Whose trials we can't forget.
Help us to sift the good and bad,
The hatred and the strife.
Grant us the wisdom and the strength
To lead a useful life. Amen.
Grace for Thanksgiving Day
Alice Kennelly Roberts
Dear God, wherever we may be
On this Thanksgiving Day
Gathered with loved ones in our homes
Or many miles away--
We bow our heads, remembering those
Who shared Thanksgiving past
Those who have walked with us awhile
Whose love will always last.
We thank Thee for the joy of friends,
The food before us set
And for a tiny Pilgrim band
Whose trials we can't forget.
Help us to sift the good and bad,
The hatred and the strife.
Grant us the wisdom and the strength
To lead a useful life. Amen.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Lesson in Courage and Letting Go
All this talk about laughter reminded me of our friend, Joann -- and yes, she will laugh when she sees this blog! A few years ago she sold her lovely home on the coast of SC and bought herself an RV! She travels the country visiting her children and grandchildren! And having fun! At this moment, she is somewhere in Texas, I think, with a group of single RV'ers having the time of her life. Everywhere she goes, she makes friends. She laughs easily and often.
I tell her all the time how courageous she is--A single lady, about my age, with a bumper sticker that reads "Homeless Granny on the Run!" She sold practically every material thing that she had, and is simply enjoying herself, her RV, her kids, her grandkids, and her friends.
Joann came to town for our daughter's wedding last August. I walked into the Hospitality Room at the hotel to find Joann steaming tablecloths! She had already met my sisters and become a part of the festivities! All weekend, she was right there, helping my sisters in the hospitality room, visiting with other guests--we even took a crazy ride in my car to find sparklers! She simply "goes with the flow" and enjoys every minute! What a gift!
We do learn from each of our relationships and Joann has taught me so much! But tonight I am thankful for her courage -- she jumped into that RV and took off, and is making a happy and interesting life for herself. I am starting a new career writing on line -- and tonight -- well, tonight, I just need to focus on Joann's courage! She went after her dreams full steam ahead -- and I am sure she is improving life for everyone that she meets along the way!
Thank you, Joann! I treasure your friendship!
I tell her all the time how courageous she is--A single lady, about my age, with a bumper sticker that reads "Homeless Granny on the Run!" She sold practically every material thing that she had, and is simply enjoying herself, her RV, her kids, her grandkids, and her friends.
Joann came to town for our daughter's wedding last August. I walked into the Hospitality Room at the hotel to find Joann steaming tablecloths! She had already met my sisters and become a part of the festivities! All weekend, she was right there, helping my sisters in the hospitality room, visiting with other guests--we even took a crazy ride in my car to find sparklers! She simply "goes with the flow" and enjoys every minute! What a gift!
We do learn from each of our relationships and Joann has taught me so much! But tonight I am thankful for her courage -- she jumped into that RV and took off, and is making a happy and interesting life for herself. I am starting a new career writing on line -- and tonight -- well, tonight, I just need to focus on Joann's courage! She went after her dreams full steam ahead -- and I am sure she is improving life for everyone that she meets along the way!
Thank you, Joann! I treasure your friendship!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Laughter and Dear Friends
We had company this weekend -- Margie and Billy, our dear friends, probably our oldest friends. We met in 1970 when we moved to Wagener, SC. We always enjoy their company - relaxed and easy for all of us -- old friends are such a treasure.
I was thinking though, of my last visit to their home. It was in the summer. My sister and I had attended a nephew's wedding near Wagener. As I rode through town, remembering our days of living there, over and over I was reminded of laughter. In those days, it seems, we laughed a lot -- a whole lot! I remember laughing at Granny Ruby's kitchen table; I remember laughing in the churchyard at the Baptist Church; we laughed at Linna Sue's house and we laughed at Listene's house and we laughed at my house and we laughed at Mary Dale's beauty shop. Wherever we went, we laughed. One time, preparing Thanksgiving dinner, Margie and I laughed so hard we were literally rolling in the floor, hollering, crying we were laughing so hard. Maybe it was because we were all so young and life did not seem as serious. I am not sure of the reasons why -- but oh, how I cherish those days of laughter! That's really important stuff-- to laugh hard and laugh often. I think I don't do that enough anymore! I am resolving right now to do better.
One of the "bedtime" books that I read to the grandchildren says "what happened today to make you laugh?" I think I will start asking myself that question each night. Want to join me in that??
I was thinking though, of my last visit to their home. It was in the summer. My sister and I had attended a nephew's wedding near Wagener. As I rode through town, remembering our days of living there, over and over I was reminded of laughter. In those days, it seems, we laughed a lot -- a whole lot! I remember laughing at Granny Ruby's kitchen table; I remember laughing in the churchyard at the Baptist Church; we laughed at Linna Sue's house and we laughed at Listene's house and we laughed at my house and we laughed at Mary Dale's beauty shop. Wherever we went, we laughed. One time, preparing Thanksgiving dinner, Margie and I laughed so hard we were literally rolling in the floor, hollering, crying we were laughing so hard. Maybe it was because we were all so young and life did not seem as serious. I am not sure of the reasons why -- but oh, how I cherish those days of laughter! That's really important stuff-- to laugh hard and laugh often. I think I don't do that enough anymore! I am resolving right now to do better.
One of the "bedtime" books that I read to the grandchildren says "what happened today to make you laugh?" I think I will start asking myself that question each night. Want to join me in that??
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
A Plan of Action
I was talking with a friend last night about a problem in her life. We developed an action plan that I think might be helpful to you. These are simple ideas that have helped me in the past. When you are "frozen", stymied, stuck with a problem, you simply want a way out. Certainly it is better to take an active stance than to sit and muddle over your problem over and over. Again, I remind you to take any of these ideas and adjust them to your belief system. I can only write what I know about, for sure.
Action Plan:
1. Write a letter to your angels. If you are worried/concerned about a particular loved one, write a letter to their angel. Simply start your letter "Dear Susie's angel" or "Dear Jacob's angel". Then pour out your heart. State the situation, your feelings about it, and ask for angelic help. When your letter is ready, put it in a special place -- in the back of your Bible, on your prayer alter, under a small angel figurine. Simply stating your problem, and placing it in the hands of the angelic hosts will relieve you.
2. Get on a prayer list. There are many of those on line. I use www.silentunity.org . Those folks are wonderful and will hold your concern in their prayers for 30 days. Get yourself some prayer partners!
3. Make an imaging page. At the risk of repeating this too many times in one blog, this is the most effective prayer technique I have ever used. See details in earlier blogs. Grab some old magazines, and sit down and cut and paste like a child for a couple of hours. Put the page where you will see it daily. My pages are in back of my prayer journal. I use them as prayer guides.
4. Find a suitable affirmation and repeat it at least 20 times a day -- when your concern pops up in your mind. Give your problem a positive affirmation. It will relieve your mind to do so. An affirmation is just a positive prayer. For example, if a loved one is suffering an illness, you can repeat, "Susie, you are whole, well and free". In other words, you are knowing and believing in your heart of faith that Susie is healthy and you are picturing her healthy in your prayers. For more about affirmations, simple google that word. There are thousands of affirmations on line. I am sure you can find one to fit your problem.
5. Let it go. You now have an action plan. You are doing everything you can. Let go and let God. How many times have you heard that? Well, this is the time to do it. And do let me know how this works out for you. You, my readers, are in my prayers daily. Peace.
Action Plan:
1. Write a letter to your angels. If you are worried/concerned about a particular loved one, write a letter to their angel. Simply start your letter "Dear Susie's angel" or "Dear Jacob's angel". Then pour out your heart. State the situation, your feelings about it, and ask for angelic help. When your letter is ready, put it in a special place -- in the back of your Bible, on your prayer alter, under a small angel figurine. Simply stating your problem, and placing it in the hands of the angelic hosts will relieve you.
2. Get on a prayer list. There are many of those on line. I use www.silentunity.org . Those folks are wonderful and will hold your concern in their prayers for 30 days. Get yourself some prayer partners!
3. Make an imaging page. At the risk of repeating this too many times in one blog, this is the most effective prayer technique I have ever used. See details in earlier blogs. Grab some old magazines, and sit down and cut and paste like a child for a couple of hours. Put the page where you will see it daily. My pages are in back of my prayer journal. I use them as prayer guides.
4. Find a suitable affirmation and repeat it at least 20 times a day -- when your concern pops up in your mind. Give your problem a positive affirmation. It will relieve your mind to do so. An affirmation is just a positive prayer. For example, if a loved one is suffering an illness, you can repeat, "Susie, you are whole, well and free". In other words, you are knowing and believing in your heart of faith that Susie is healthy and you are picturing her healthy in your prayers. For more about affirmations, simple google that word. There are thousands of affirmations on line. I am sure you can find one to fit your problem.
5. Let it go. You now have an action plan. You are doing everything you can. Let go and let God. How many times have you heard that? Well, this is the time to do it. And do let me know how this works out for you. You, my readers, are in my prayers daily. Peace.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A Little Education
If you are new to blogging and reading blogs, you might wonder "What is all the stuff on the right hand column?" On my blog, you will notice several squares with my picture and "I am a member of". These are called nings. They are social networking sites and fun to read and fun to join. Anytime you want to visit one of the nings, simply click on my picture and you will be taken to the site. After you visit a few, you might want to create a ning of your own. It's all free. Give it a try!
You will also notice listings of other blogs. When you look at another blog listed under Blogosphere, then my blog will be shown in someone else's blogosphere. This is a great help to me increasing readers. And there is some great information there.
The Blogroll listing is a list of blogs from folks who are taking the Portable Empire course with me from Pat O'Bryan. I have found these folks to be of the highest integrity, and I think you would enjoy visiting their blogs.
and so your inspiration note today is an urge to explore and learn on the Internet. More of this later. and again and again, Thank you for reading my blog. I am learning and having fun expressing myself on line. I appreciate YOU!
You will also notice listings of other blogs. When you look at another blog listed under Blogosphere, then my blog will be shown in someone else's blogosphere. This is a great help to me increasing readers. And there is some great information there.
The Blogroll listing is a list of blogs from folks who are taking the Portable Empire course with me from Pat O'Bryan. I have found these folks to be of the highest integrity, and I think you would enjoy visiting their blogs.
and so your inspiration note today is an urge to explore and learn on the Internet. More of this later. and again and again, Thank you for reading my blog. I am learning and having fun expressing myself on line. I appreciate YOU!
Friday, November 02, 2007
A Life Well Lived
"If you don't know my midnight, don't be jealous of my morning." That is a quote from Mr. Willie Boulware, my former employer. What he meant was that we should not be envious of others' success if we did not know the troubles those people had been through. In the 70's, I was the school secretary and he was the principal at the Alternative School, a school for children with discipline problems. He was a man of great wisdom, and I am so happy that I had the opportunity to work with him and learn from him.
He was a poor black kid in the south in the 40's and 50's. He became a talented musician and played in those wonderful first soul/rock and roll bands. And oh, the stories he loved to tell! During his adult life he taught school and was a principal, a preacher, and served on community boards all over town. He ended up with six college degrees, in everything from English literature to education to ministry.
According to today's local paper, the Rock Hill Herald, Mr. B used to also say to his children "Do your best and strive for more". He not only said that to his children but to his students and his employees. Most people who were around Mr. B for any length of time improved their lives -- either by going back to school, seeking a better job, or broadening their thinking. He was forever encouraging, actually pushing everybody to do more, to go for their dreams.
Mr. Boulware died Monday after some years of illness. I am so very grateful for the impact he had on my life. He was a good man who made this world a much better place. Oh, what a legacy! Thank you, Mr. B!
P. S. Thank you to the Rock Hill Herald for information.
He was a poor black kid in the south in the 40's and 50's. He became a talented musician and played in those wonderful first soul/rock and roll bands. And oh, the stories he loved to tell! During his adult life he taught school and was a principal, a preacher, and served on community boards all over town. He ended up with six college degrees, in everything from English literature to education to ministry.
According to today's local paper, the Rock Hill Herald, Mr. B used to also say to his children "Do your best and strive for more". He not only said that to his children but to his students and his employees. Most people who were around Mr. B for any length of time improved their lives -- either by going back to school, seeking a better job, or broadening their thinking. He was forever encouraging, actually pushing everybody to do more, to go for their dreams.
Mr. Boulware died Monday after some years of illness. I am so very grateful for the impact he had on my life. He was a good man who made this world a much better place. Oh, what a legacy! Thank you, Mr. B!
P. S. Thank you to the Rock Hill Herald for information.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
More on Kyle
To learn more about Kyle, go to http://www.kylelograsso.org/
From Kyle's website, his mom's favorite poem:
How we take on life now!
when the task at hand
is a mountain in front of you
it may seem too hard to climb.
but you don't have to climb it all at once -
just one step at a time.
take one small step
then another...
and you'll find...
the task at hand that was
a mountain in front of you...
is now a mountain you have climbed
Kyle's Mom's favorite Poem-Author Unknown
From Kyle's website, his mom's favorite poem:
How we take on life now!
when the task at hand
is a mountain in front of you
it may seem too hard to climb.
but you don't have to climb it all at once -
just one step at a time.
take one small step
then another...
and you'll find...
the task at hand that was
a mountain in front of you...
is now a mountain you have climbed
Kyle's Mom's favorite Poem-Author Unknown
Kyle and his golf videos
Please notice that there are two videos that tell this story!
What an amazing story!!! Watch both videos! The little fellow's golf is just the beginning of a remarkable story of courage and healing and spirit! Do not miss seeing this! It will change your life and your perspective!
What an amazing story!!! Watch both videos! The little fellow's golf is just the beginning of a remarkable story of courage and healing and spirit! Do not miss seeing this! It will change your life and your perspective!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Our web site
Fun Family Reunions or 3 Wise Women -- whatever it ends up being, it is the new website of my sister, Betty, my friend, Debbie and me. If you would like to take a look, and visit with us a while, please do. http://www.freewebs.com/funfamilyreunion
The first thing you will see is a forum for family reunions. Oh, how happy we would be if you added some ideas to that. If you have never participated in forums, ours is a great one to learn on. The forum police are not watching. lol Just add an idea or two. You will soon find yourself loving the forum idea and exchanging ideas with other folks who have reunions to plan!
Debbie will soon be educating us on floral essences, a subject that intrigues me greatly. My daughter-in-love uses them and has had great success with those! I hope you will read and learn with Debbie.
We will all have input from time to time, so mark the site, participate in the forum, and join us as we learn more about the internet and family reunions! See ya there!
The first thing you will see is a forum for family reunions. Oh, how happy we would be if you added some ideas to that. If you have never participated in forums, ours is a great one to learn on. The forum police are not watching. lol Just add an idea or two. You will soon find yourself loving the forum idea and exchanging ideas with other folks who have reunions to plan!
Debbie will soon be educating us on floral essences, a subject that intrigues me greatly. My daughter-in-love uses them and has had great success with those! I hope you will read and learn with Debbie.
We will all have input from time to time, so mark the site, participate in the forum, and join us as we learn more about the internet and family reunions! See ya there!
Pilates & Reiki In Paradise Blog: Meme (Blogger Tag) About Lynda Part 1
Pilates & Reiki In Paradise Blog: Meme (Blogger Tag) About Lynda Part 1
Here are the simplified, combined rules:
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. Link to the person/people who tagged you.
3. Share eight facts about yourself.
4. At the end of your post, tag five people and list their names with links.
5. Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they’ve been tagged!
6. Lisa added her own rule to the end, which I like: "If I tag you and you don't want to participate, no worries, no pressure."
Eight facts about me:
1. I am trying to cut back smoking, so today I am a little irritable!
2. I am a Newbie to all of this internet business, and am learning more every day than I ever thought I could.
3. I visited a virtual island last night. A real first time experience. It is part of Pat O'Bryan's Portable Empire, where I am a student! It was great fun to meet all the folks there! (Of course I took a dunk in the ocean on the way to the island, and still am not quite sure how I finally arrived in the right place.) I learned how to fly, too! And a new friend gave me a virtual typewriter and I figured out how to wear it, so when I chatted, I was not typing into the air. What fun! Second Life. Amelia Island. Portable Empire. An education for sure!
4. I am working on my first e-book, which will be 5 Methods of Experiential Prayer. At least today that is the title. lol
5. I am a grandma and I love the role!!! More than I ever imagined!!! What precious grandchildren I have! I could write a book about the two of them!
6. I am a proud parent -- with two wonderful adult kids who have both married folks I love and adore! What a blessing that is!!!!!!
7. I am celebrating 43 years of happy marriage tomorrow, Halloween Day. I am married to a practical joker, who is legally blind, who keeps everything moving at a happy pace around here! He is a serious golfer and will co-author my next e-book - which I think will be "Golf Lessons from a Blind Golfer"
8. I am thankful, grateful, for a surprise in my mailbox today -- a book from my cousin -- Louise Hay's Gratitude, A way of Life! What a wonderful surprise to find in my mailbox. I do so love good news in the mailbox!
Here are the simplified, combined rules:
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. Link to the person/people who tagged you.
3. Share eight facts about yourself.
4. At the end of your post, tag five people and list their names with links.
5. Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they’ve been tagged!
6. Lisa added her own rule to the end, which I like: "If I tag you and you don't want to participate, no worries, no pressure."
Eight facts about me:
1. I am trying to cut back smoking, so today I am a little irritable!
2. I am a Newbie to all of this internet business, and am learning more every day than I ever thought I could.
3. I visited a virtual island last night. A real first time experience. It is part of Pat O'Bryan's Portable Empire, where I am a student! It was great fun to meet all the folks there! (Of course I took a dunk in the ocean on the way to the island, and still am not quite sure how I finally arrived in the right place.) I learned how to fly, too! And a new friend gave me a virtual typewriter and I figured out how to wear it, so when I chatted, I was not typing into the air. What fun! Second Life. Amelia Island. Portable Empire. An education for sure!
4. I am working on my first e-book, which will be 5 Methods of Experiential Prayer. At least today that is the title. lol
5. I am a grandma and I love the role!!! More than I ever imagined!!! What precious grandchildren I have! I could write a book about the two of them!
6. I am a proud parent -- with two wonderful adult kids who have both married folks I love and adore! What a blessing that is!!!!!!
7. I am celebrating 43 years of happy marriage tomorrow, Halloween Day. I am married to a practical joker, who is legally blind, who keeps everything moving at a happy pace around here! He is a serious golfer and will co-author my next e-book - which I think will be "Golf Lessons from a Blind Golfer"
8. I am thankful, grateful, for a surprise in my mailbox today -- a book from my cousin -- Louise Hay's Gratitude, A way of Life! What a wonderful surprise to find in my mailbox. I do so love good news in the mailbox!
Pat O'Bryan,
Portable Empire
Complaint Free World Update
UPDATE! October 30, 2007 -- Complaint Free World now charges a small fee for the bracelets. Visit http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/ to see their new store. Cost is minimal. Response to the project was far beyond anything they expected.
Again, this project is well worth your time personally, or for your group. and remember, we used purple potholder loops! Be creative. Or order your bracelets. Either way, it works!
Again, this project is well worth your time personally, or for your group. and remember, we used purple potholder loops! Be creative. Or order your bracelets. Either way, it works!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bamboo and the Fern
I received this in my e-mail this morning and thought it was worth repeating here. I apologize that I do not know the author. If you do, please leave that information in the comment section, and I will give credit where it is due.
One day I decided to quit.... I quit my job, my relationship, my
spirituality.... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to
have one last talk with God.
"God," I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around," He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes," I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care
of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew
from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing
came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And
again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the
He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo
seed. But I would not quit.
In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit."
He said, "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the
earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had
spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and
gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my
creations a challenge it could not handle."
He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have
been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not
quit on the bamboo I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself
to others."
He said, "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they
both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come," God said to me. " You will rise high!"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes," He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can
help you see that God will never give up on you........
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you Happiness.
Bad days give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.
Keep going...
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
Have a great day! The Son is shining!!
God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love and so small
He can curl up inside your heart.
One day I decided to quit.... I quit my job, my relationship, my
spirituality.... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to
have one last talk with God.
"God," I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around," He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes," I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care
of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew
from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing
came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And
again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the
He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo
seed. But I would not quit.
In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit."
He said, "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the
earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had
spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and
gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my
creations a challenge it could not handle."
He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have
been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not
quit on the bamboo I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself
to others."
He said, "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they
both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come," God said to me. " You will rise high!"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes," He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can
help you see that God will never give up on you........
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you Happiness.
Bad days give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.
Keep going...
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
Have a great day! The Son is shining!!
God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love and so small
He can curl up inside your heart.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Family Celebrations
We attended my nephew's wedding last weekend. The wedding was about three hours from here, so we stayed in a friend's beach house. My sister stayed there with us as did our daughter and my brother's widow and her husband. My younger sister was the mother of the groom, and we visited with her as we prepared for the rehearsal dinner. My stepsister and her children were at the wedding and it was fun to see them. Of course, her oldest, like mine, is forty years old. I was struck with "where did it go?" Time passes so fast. I used to hear old people say that and thought it was really stupid thing to say, but oh, it is so true.
But that's not the point today. The point is the importance of family celebrations, weddings, reunions, even funerals. We reconnect with our roots during such events and there is a sense of wholeness about it all. So if you have a young family at this point, celebrate everything -- an A on a test, a winning game, a goal met, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween. Celebrate completion of potty training. Celebrate the first day of school. Celebrate life with your family! Streamers, a cake and a few songs can turn an ordinary day into a celebration. Celebrations contribute to family unity; when the children are older, and the "real" celebrations--like marriages and babies being born, maybe the children will reflect on those earlier celebrations with you.
Oh, and by the way, you can have a celebration of your own today -- what would you like to celebrate? Today we are finally getting some rain! I am thankful! Perhaps I will find a way to have a little 5 minute celebration of my own! A personal ritual! Yes, I think I will do just that!
Have a happy day! Find something to celebrate today!
But that's not the point today. The point is the importance of family celebrations, weddings, reunions, even funerals. We reconnect with our roots during such events and there is a sense of wholeness about it all. So if you have a young family at this point, celebrate everything -- an A on a test, a winning game, a goal met, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween. Celebrate completion of potty training. Celebrate the first day of school. Celebrate life with your family! Streamers, a cake and a few songs can turn an ordinary day into a celebration. Celebrations contribute to family unity; when the children are older, and the "real" celebrations--like marriages and babies being born, maybe the children will reflect on those earlier celebrations with you.
Oh, and by the way, you can have a celebration of your own today -- what would you like to celebrate? Today we are finally getting some rain! I am thankful! Perhaps I will find a way to have a little 5 minute celebration of my own! A personal ritual! Yes, I think I will do just that!
Have a happy day! Find something to celebrate today!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Home Water Usage and the Drought
We are struggling with a drought here in South Carolina. Today's paper listed new restrictions and also some interesting figures on our home water usage. Did you know that taking a 5 minute shower uses 10 gallons of water versus taking a bath which uses 50 gallons of water? That is a huge savings! Brushing teeth with water running uses 2 gallons of water and running the dishwasher uses 6-9 gallons of water. Washing a full load of clothes uses 40 gallons of water. Are you seeing some ways you could cut back your water usage? I hope so! Please pray for rain for those of us in the southeast in the drought -- and for the folks in California!
And for more information on how much water you use a day, go to http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/sq3.html
And for more information on how much water you use a day, go to http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/sq3.html
Monday, October 22, 2007
An Abundance of Nature's Blessings
My sister and I are visiting Seabrook Island, SC. In the past 24 hours we have seen -- from our front row seats on the screened porch facing Gator Lake -- a fox, ten deer, one big turtle, a house wren who sang for us, four cardinals, a woodpecker, blue jays, crows, squirrels and numerous colorful butterflies. But the biggest thrill for me was seeing the alligators! Our first visitor was a medium sized one. Later we spotted a huge gator a little further down the lake. Today we have enjoyed watching a small gator, obviously a baby or a teenager. The gators are fascinating creatures. We have listened to the sounds of nature and watched patiently for our next visitor. Later as we sat on the beach, we watched seven dolphins, a dozen pelicans, a lone sandpiper, and of course the seagulls. Each creature sighting moved us more into the flow of God's Divine Order, and to a more restful place inside us. It was as if each visitor brought its own gift of peace. We have moved out of the rat race of everyday life and into a zone of nature. What a joy! We are most thankful for each of our special visitors! And we appreciate being here, on this beautiful island for these few days! This has been an experience of appreciation for the abundance and variety in nature and we are filled with awe and gratitude!
Seabrook Island,
South Carolina
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Gratitude Exercise
In Simple Abundance, Sarah Ban Breathnach taught us to write down 5 things a day for which we are thankful. I started doing that about four years ago. The simple daily exercise keeps me aware of my immense blessings and I am constantly filled with gratitude. It only takes a few minutes a day and it does change your outlook on life. I write my gratitude list in my prayer journal each day. However, you can do this any way that suits your lifestyle. Many people use a simple gratitude journal. Or you can decorate a simple composition book and use that -- or not decorate it. The important thing is to do the exercise every single day. My list often includes the simple things in my life -- a warm shower, clean clothes, a safe home.
A friend who was hospitalized and dying from cancer once told me that the thing she missed the most was the feeling of her hands in the warm dishwater. Since that day, I try to be aware - to always be thankful when I am washing dishes. Thankful for the comfort of mundane tasks, the feeling of warm soapy water up to my elbows, thankful that I am able to stand there and wash the dishes.
Today I am especially thankful for my grandson, Zach, who is celebrating his fourth birthday! Happy Birthday, my sweet little Zachary! JJ loves you sooooooo much!
A friend who was hospitalized and dying from cancer once told me that the thing she missed the most was the feeling of her hands in the warm dishwater. Since that day, I try to be aware - to always be thankful when I am washing dishes. Thankful for the comfort of mundane tasks, the feeling of warm soapy water up to my elbows, thankful that I am able to stand there and wash the dishes.
Today I am especially thankful for my grandson, Zach, who is celebrating his fourth birthday! Happy Birthday, my sweet little Zachary! JJ loves you sooooooo much!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Praying for a refrigerator?
Once upon a time I told my sister I was praying for a refrigerator. She laughed. She said "God is not going to send a refrigerator down that driveway." lol A few months later our aunt died. A cousin called and said "do you want this old refrigerator? lol Of course, I said yes. And sure enough, within a few days, I stood and watched my cousin wheeling that refrigerator right down my driveway!!!! :)
God works in mysterious ways. For sure!
God works in mysterious ways. For sure!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Creating Imaging pages
I just realized something interesting. My imaging pages need more action, more emotion. So my project for the weekend is to add action to my pages. I will search in magazines for pictures of the things that I want as usual, but this time, I will be sure those are action shots -- How did I not know that after all these years?
And then the lesson becomes a lesson in learning -- that life is a continuous learning process -- improve the imaging pages for sure, but to be aware also that my learning must continue and without a continous learning process, life becomes dull and stagnant.
My pages looked dull and stagnant when I looked at them this morning.
Monday they will look lively and colorful and active! I am learning. I hope you are, too!
Thank you for continuing to read and learn with me! Have a happy day!
And then the lesson becomes a lesson in learning -- that life is a continuous learning process -- improve the imaging pages for sure, but to be aware also that my learning must continue and without a continous learning process, life becomes dull and stagnant.
My pages looked dull and stagnant when I looked at them this morning.
Monday they will look lively and colorful and active! I am learning. I hope you are, too!
Thank you for continuing to read and learn with me! Have a happy day!
Friday, October 05, 2007
How To Make Your Imaging Book
Catherine Ponder talks about it, The Secret talks about it, Simple Abundance talks about it -- in fact, tons of people are talking about it -- your imaging book, your imaging posters, your wheel of fortune. Some use a poster board, some use a book, some use a journal. I will just tell you about my own experience with this process. I have made imaging posters, and I have even made file folders with my imaging pictures inside. But the method that is serving me best is paper a little heavier than typing paper, which I 3-hole punch and place in the back of my prayer journal. Sometimes I cut out pictures and words from magazines, sometimes I use real pictures. One of my favorite pages is my family page. It contains pictures of each member of my family and an affirmation -- or a prayer. Other pages include pictures of other folks on my prayer list and a prayer or affirmation. Usually I type and print the affirmation in a large, colored font, so that it is easy for me to read in the early morning. I try to balance my pages, personal wants/needs/goals, family, friends, important quotes I have found on line or in a book and printed out and pasted to a page. Are you getting the idea? I change my pages when they become too familiar or "tired" to me. I enjoy having the pages as a guide to my prayer time.
I have had some exciting results with this prayer method over the years. And my friend has a story no one would believe! lol -- but that is for another day! It is as if somehow by creating the pages, we create a mental picture of what we want and impress it upon our subconscious minds -- and the universe lines things up to make it happen. One of the most important by-products of the pages for me is on a daily level -- if I catch myself with negative thoughts about someone or something, I immediately "see" the picture on my imaging page. It just makes that mental transition from worry to release about 10 times faster!!!!
Is this helpful to you? Do you understand how to begin your imaging pages? Why not start tonight? -- make just one page. Try it for 30 days. Take your most pressing problem and create a perfect solution page. I always add "this or something better" to the bottom of my pages and I also add some religious symbol -- an angel or something else to remind myself that this is a prayer experience for me.
As with all other ideas you read about, take this one and adapt it to your own life, your own belief system. Create a page that makes you smile when you look at it. And......let me know how you do! I really want to know!
I have had some exciting results with this prayer method over the years. And my friend has a story no one would believe! lol -- but that is for another day! It is as if somehow by creating the pages, we create a mental picture of what we want and impress it upon our subconscious minds -- and the universe lines things up to make it happen. One of the most important by-products of the pages for me is on a daily level -- if I catch myself with negative thoughts about someone or something, I immediately "see" the picture on my imaging page. It just makes that mental transition from worry to release about 10 times faster!!!!
Is this helpful to you? Do you understand how to begin your imaging pages? Why not start tonight? -- make just one page. Try it for 30 days. Take your most pressing problem and create a perfect solution page. I always add "this or something better" to the bottom of my pages and I also add some religious symbol -- an angel or something else to remind myself that this is a prayer experience for me.
As with all other ideas you read about, take this one and adapt it to your own life, your own belief system. Create a page that makes you smile when you look at it. And......let me know how you do! I really want to know!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Read The Secret, Watch The Secret, Listen to The Secret
For the past six months, I have been reading, listening and watching The Secret -- yes, I was so impressed with the movie that I bought the book, and then later even bought the CD's so I could listen in my car. As a member of a little Unity study/prayer group for the past 20 years, I was already aware of the power of positive thought, and found The Secret to be a help to me in maintaining that awareness. And I am moving forward -- this blog is a testament to the lessons I am learning -- finally expressing myself for publication, even if on the computer - and having a wonderful time -- though honestly sometimes frustrating -- learning and growing!
I have many friends who have also embraced The Secret. I also have friends who have reservations about it, or who openly disagree with the concept. To me though, it is simply a matter of including The Secret in my belief system. One concept that The Secret teaches is the use of imaging pages -- or looking at pictures of the things you want. I use my imaging pages, which are in a notebook, as my morning prayer guide. I will discuss imaging pages more here at another time -- but one of my favorite prayer aids, for sure!
I have many friends who have also embraced The Secret. I also have friends who have reservations about it, or who openly disagree with the concept. To me though, it is simply a matter of including The Secret in my belief system. One concept that The Secret teaches is the use of imaging pages -- or looking at pictures of the things you want. I use my imaging pages, which are in a notebook, as my morning prayer guide. I will discuss imaging pages more here at another time -- but one of my favorite prayer aids, for sure!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thank a Soldier Today
Take a few minutes today to thank a soldier. It's a quiet Sunday here in the USA. All is well. What a blessing! The weather is perfect, the golfers are on the golf course, football games are being played, children are out on bicycles, and life is good. We are blessed indeed!
I received this note today from a cousin who is overseas. His note says it all very well. Pray for them all.
The note reads:
dust, dust, dust - microscopic particles that stride right in where sand grains fear the tread .. talc like spoil as light as breath .. comes in through the door, the cracks in the walls, around windows and, I believe up through the floor by way of osmosis .. it thinks it owns this land (come to think of it, it is this land) ..figgers' it can squat where it pleases .. the most prolific (I think they make babies) product of the Middle East .. and to think, I can't even send a small pebble home .. less a nuisance than the flies that are coming, but a bother all the same .. this land has its built in plagues .. Who needs Egypt .. I can bring you to the complete package .. and you won't have to make bricks without straw ...
all this, and the winds have yet to come .. good ol' Iraqi rose (desert tan back home) is the universal color after a slight breeze .. what else do you want to know about this place? .. .. the sun is fierce, the rain is wet .. Americans from all parts of our country are here to keep the events here away from home, 'n don't you forget it! .. if you know a soldier, be sure to tell them thanks .. sometimes they feel squeezed into thankless jobs .. I try to thank AT LEAST one a day .. my family, my children, my grandchildren depend on them .. heroes, ALL ..
our water comes from the Euphrates, our courage, dignity, pride, wisdom, understanding, drive, respect, qualities ad infinitum comes from home .. it'll be so good to bring these qualities back AFTER the job is done.. ..please pardon my rambling .. maybe next time I’ll tell some about this place but I doubt it..
the GOD that dwells here, dwells mainly in our hearts .. the same GOD we have at home .. may HIS will be done...
I received this note today from a cousin who is overseas. His note says it all very well. Pray for them all.
The note reads:
dust, dust, dust - microscopic particles that stride right in where sand grains fear the tread .. talc like spoil as light as breath .. comes in through the door, the cracks in the walls, around windows and, I believe up through the floor by way of osmosis .. it thinks it owns this land (come to think of it, it is this land) ..figgers' it can squat where it pleases .. the most prolific (I think they make babies) product of the Middle East .. and to think, I can't even send a small pebble home .. less a nuisance than the flies that are coming, but a bother all the same .. this land has its built in plagues .. Who needs Egypt .. I can bring you to the complete package .. and you won't have to make bricks without straw ...
all this, and the winds have yet to come .. good ol' Iraqi rose (desert tan back home) is the universal color after a slight breeze .. what else do you want to know about this place? .. .. the sun is fierce, the rain is wet .. Americans from all parts of our country are here to keep the events here away from home, 'n don't you forget it! .. if you know a soldier, be sure to tell them thanks .. sometimes they feel squeezed into thankless jobs .. I try to thank AT LEAST one a day .. my family, my children, my grandchildren depend on them .. heroes, ALL ..
our water comes from the Euphrates, our courage, dignity, pride, wisdom, understanding, drive, respect, qualities ad infinitum comes from home .. it'll be so good to bring these qualities back AFTER the job is done.. ..please pardon my rambling .. maybe next time I’ll tell some about this place but I doubt it..
the GOD that dwells here, dwells mainly in our hearts .. the same GOD we have at home .. may HIS will be done...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wait three days
My mama used to say "wait 3 days." What she meant was that most of our small problems take care of themselves in 3 days. She wanted us to wait and see if things worked themselves out, instead of reacting immediately to every little thing that happened to us in a day. I think the advice has merit. Oftentimes, things have a way of working themselves out. Plans change, time passes, and things have a way of sifting.
I laugh as I remember way back in the 60's, rumors were going around school that two different fellows were going to ask to escort me to the prom. I was all in a dither about what to do. Again "wait 3 days" worked. No point in getting all flustered before the fact. And yes, it worked out just fine. :)
This is also true when you feel offended, angry, upset. It is best not to burn bridges in the heat of the moment. Just wait things out -- 3 days should do it!
And maybe the same rule would apply as well to worry. My husband always tells me 90% of the things you worry about never happen and the other 10% are not worth worrying about. Yep! Again that 3 day rule. Wait the 3 days, and then if it is worth worrying about, you can choose to do that worrying at an appointed time!. :)
Have a happy day!
I laugh as I remember way back in the 60's, rumors were going around school that two different fellows were going to ask to escort me to the prom. I was all in a dither about what to do. Again "wait 3 days" worked. No point in getting all flustered before the fact. And yes, it worked out just fine. :)
This is also true when you feel offended, angry, upset. It is best not to burn bridges in the heat of the moment. Just wait things out -- 3 days should do it!
And maybe the same rule would apply as well to worry. My husband always tells me 90% of the things you worry about never happen and the other 10% are not worth worrying about. Yep! Again that 3 day rule. Wait the 3 days, and then if it is worth worrying about, you can choose to do that worrying at an appointed time!. :)
Have a happy day!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wear a Purple Bracelet
:) I am back to day one. On Sunday night I was challenged to go 21 days without complaining, criticizing or gossiping! What a challenge! The program is called A Complaint Free World and the story has gone around the world fast. People must be starving for ways to improve their lives and their spirits! The bracelets have been featured on Oprah and the Today Show. It works like this -- You wear a purple bracelet (free from http://acomplaintfreeworld.org/bracelets/) and when you catch yourself complaining, you have to switch the bracelet to the other arm and start over. and if you catch someone else (also wearing the bracelet) complaining, you are free to remind them, but if you do, you must change your own bracelet first! On Monday morning, I almost got through my first cup of coffee without complaining. and started over! Hopefully I am improving, but I have lost count of the number of times I have moved that bracelet. Scientists have proven that if you get out of the habit of negative thinking, your brain will completely stop producing that kind of thought. Now that sounds wonderful to me! I will continue with my efforts and hope some of you will join me. oh.....and when you actually complete 21 days with no complaining, gossiping or criticizing, please come back to this blog and tell me about it -- use the comment section!
P. S. This is a great idea for any club, group, or even young people -- and would be a great family project too!
P.S.S. The bracelet program is manned by volunteers and they are far behind trying to fill orders -- our group is using a purple potholder loop for our bracelets -- a good solution while you wait for your real bracelets to arrive!
UPDATE! October 30, 2007 -- Complaint Free World now charges for the bracelets. Visit http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/ to see their new store. Cost is minimal. Response to the project was far beyond anything they expected.
P. S. This is a great idea for any club, group, or even young people -- and would be a great family project too!
P.S.S. The bracelet program is manned by volunteers and they are far behind trying to fill orders -- our group is using a purple potholder loop for our bracelets -- a good solution while you wait for your real bracelets to arrive!
UPDATE! October 30, 2007 -- Complaint Free World now charges for the bracelets. Visit http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/ to see their new store. Cost is minimal. Response to the project was far beyond anything they expected.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Tree is my Teacher
I started blogging as a way to insure that my now adult children will always know some of the most important lessons I have learned in my lifetime. I hope that you also find my life lessons helpful.
It was a dark and dreary time in my life. I began to read a book of spiritual exercises. I cannot even remember the name of the book now, but it was important to me at the time. One of the suggestions was to go outside and draw a tree. I almost laughed. I cannot draw at all!! But I was determined-- and went outside and sketched a picture of a little crepe myrtle out in the back yard. The next assignment was go back in one month,and re-draw the tree on top of my original drawing -- in a different color highlighter. And then again, to re-draw the tree on top of the original drawing, in a different color each month. I was faithful to my little drawing for several months and then forgot about it. I found it again a year or so later, and redrew my little tree in still another color. I was amazed! The little tree had grown new branches, and flowered, and gotten much taller. The spiritual lesson to be learned was that everything changes in time. When we feel "stuck" or feel we are living a nightmare, we can rest assured that things will change, though at times the change seems ever so slow. Today when I look out at that same tree, I am reminded that life is ever moving, ever changing. If you are feeling stuck today, go draw a tree!
It was a dark and dreary time in my life. I began to read a book of spiritual exercises. I cannot even remember the name of the book now, but it was important to me at the time. One of the suggestions was to go outside and draw a tree. I almost laughed. I cannot draw at all!! But I was determined-- and went outside and sketched a picture of a little crepe myrtle out in the back yard. The next assignment was go back in one month,and re-draw the tree on top of my original drawing -- in a different color highlighter. And then again, to re-draw the tree on top of the original drawing, in a different color each month. I was faithful to my little drawing for several months and then forgot about it. I found it again a year or so later, and redrew my little tree in still another color. I was amazed! The little tree had grown new branches, and flowered, and gotten much taller. The spiritual lesson to be learned was that everything changes in time. When we feel "stuck" or feel we are living a nightmare, we can rest assured that things will change, though at times the change seems ever so slow. Today when I look out at that same tree, I am reminded that life is ever moving, ever changing. If you are feeling stuck today, go draw a tree!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Act as If
One of the best concepts I have learned in life is the concept of "act as if". I first read about this in Norman Vincent Peale's book, Dynamic Imaging. When you need/want something in your life to change, you simply act as if it is already done. A dear friend of mine used this technique successfully many years ago to repair the relationship with one of her parents. She simply continued to act as if that parent loved her dearly, act as if she loved that parent dearly. In time, and long before the parent's death, the principle had worked. They shared a loving, compassionate relationship for many years. Does this mean she was in denial? No, it simply means that she treated her parent as if the parent was a treasured family member and eliminated negativity from her part of the relationship.
This concept works for other challenges also. If you have a room to decorate, and no money to decorate the room, creating a plan with pictures of every detail will help that room to create itself. The reality of what happens with this kind of "act as if" project is discussed thoroughly in The Secret. When a project is in our minds, then we are drawn to items that will fit our plans and those items are drawn to us. A friend might say, "Do you need some furniture? I am remodeling and have some pieces that will not fit." You might be shopping and find exactly what you want on sale at a price you can afford. "Acting as if" opens your heart and your mind to receive what is available in your world to create your project.
And of course, "acting as if" can also work in the negative. If you enter a room expecting people to dislike you, to ignore you---that is exactly what will happen. The "act as if" principle is about attitude.
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